Monday, March 30, 2009

The Great Awakening

Being an active member of the LDS church, religion is a topic which commonly runs across my thoughts. I think about Christianity has changed throughout the ages and how it is changing still. Reading about how things once were--how devoted people were to their faith, a devotion that ran so deep many were willing to die rather than deny their beliefs.

Even within my own LDS heritage--those who went before me suffered off sorts of persecutions simply because they knew the Book of Mormon was the word of God and were not afraid to declare it. I often wonder how many of the Lord's children would do the same. How many of those who have the truth would withstand torchure, beatings, mocking--all manner of persecution to defend the truth. How many of us would shrink and deny what we know to be true simply to protect ourselves? Would our youth stand for what's right? So often I seem them struggling to stand for the truth even among those who should, in theory, have the same beliefs as they do. What happened to our examples? What happened to those stalward, believing people?


  1. you know, rachel, i think those people are still around, but our calling is a bit different. We are not called upon to die for our Lord, but rather, to live for him. Our example is what is needed at this time, in my opinion, not our blood. There has been enough bloodshed, enough saints killed to 'cry out from the ground unto the Lord'. I think it's our calling now to a light unto the nations, to be a picture of how the world should act, to be able to lead the rest of the world to righteousness. This is tough in itself. Yes, people are struggling, but we are being tested in a different way. It's like the difference between us now, and the pioneers. which one is harder to bear - physical or mental trials? it's hard to tell.

  2. Hey Rachel!
    Thanks for being such a great student! I have really enjoyed reading what you have had to say! You always had such fun insights!
