Friday, January 30, 2009


Growing up outside of the US I never really learned a lot of American History. I knew the basics--there was a revolution, something about a tea tax, war ensued--and not much else. I never once thought about the importance of the Declaration of Independence. All the thought and work that went into it was lost completely on me. I never considered the months of debate that those men spent debating how best to lead this country. In the end, they decided to declare independence from the mother country, in essence those 56 men signed away their lives--committing treason against the crown, a crime that would undoubtedly result in execution--all to declare my liberty.

As Latter-Day Saints we believe that this is a choice land. Great things can happen when our citizens band together behind God. As I wrote previously, we are beginning to forget God. For all our Founding Fathers fought for, we still are not religiously free. I fear that it is only a matter of time before the government tries to put its hand into all of our affairs--dictating how we can and cannot worship. I've been told that it has been taught that the original persecution of the saints was only a precursor for what is to come--it will all get a lot worse.

I wonder what those 56 men would think of today's America. Is it all they hoped for? Have we let them down? I fear it may be the latter

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