Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Last Blog

So, this is my last blog post for my Honors 240. I came into the class excited to take my first American history class. Growing up in Canada and Switzerland I'd never learned about the founding, about the constitution, the civil war. I knew only what I had learned from my personal media consumption. Sometimes I wonder if the class would have been easier if I had started at the same level as everyone else, with the same upbringing. I suppose I had less biases this way, or at least a completely different set of them. I see the world differently than most. I've traveled across the world, visiting countries on every continent except South America and Antarctica. I've ridden camels in Tanzania and elephants in Thailand. I've surfed the French waves and I've swam under Cayman waters. I've played games with some of the poorest of the poor and gone to school with royal blood. I've seen the sunset in both the East and the West and I've felt the wind blow in all directions. While I have Canadian/American parents, my views have been shaped by the international community. I often question what it means to be American. Does it mean watching MTV while gobbling down a burger? Does it mean buying whatever you want, whenever you want it? Is it something you can see? Some tangible thing you can grasp onto? Or is it an embrace of American ideals? Is it a thirst for freedom? Liberty? Justice for all? I fear that far too often we get caught up with the material definition of America. Sometimes I'm sad to admit that I am indeed, American. The word is often treated as a swearword outside of the US. Taking this class reminded me of the less tangible aspects of my heritage, the side that I can hold my head up high in support, claiming that yes, I am American.

Now if only we could remember upon what we have placed the foundation of our country. If we could be unified and act as one--one group of individuals, working together to fill each gap left behind.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I posted on Jessie Riddle's blog :)